Fitness is everything to Jay. He believes all things are possible when you make your health and fitness your 1st priority.
“In today’s fast paced world we all have a bit of the shinny silver spoon syndrome. Constantly surrounded by the newest and greatest gadget or the most tempting fast or junk foods, often times lured by the convenience they offer. With media, it’s often the ways in which we get our information, or misinformation in the Health Industry.”
Often times we are blasted with a new celebrity diet plan, magic food pill, or pharmaceutical supplement that will provide us with “miracle weight loss.” This blurs the lines between what is real, healthy, or even damaging to us in the long term. We are surrounded by information, but many people lack the applicability, and motivation to make use of that information. “Education is the key”
By investing in a personal trainer, much as a person would a general practitioner Doctor, you are investing in something you won’t regret. What Jay can teach you will PAY OFF MASSIVELY in the LONG RUN. Making you healthy, educated, and proactive in life saving you thousands of dollars in medical issues and medication over the coarse of your lifetime.
As Jay often quotes, “It’s far better to pay the fee, than pay the fine later.”
If you are looking for “the Easy Pill”, well we have news for you… THERE ISN’T ONE. Being healthy, working out, and staying in shape and condition will become an an integral part of your life in such a personal way. It gives purpose, a measuring gauge to hold yourself to. But also in our most trying times, allows us a personal outlet to help keep us STAY grounded and solid when things seem to be going wrong.
Spreading knowledge to the world, for those who are listening is the ultimate hope, and Jay’s contribution to helping people make their lives a healthier place through his experience, knowledge, and passion.
Jay’s current goals include becoming a foremost expert in the field of Fitness and keeping himself healthy, knowledgeable, and viable to the world he lives in. Making use all of the tools available to spreading that message by being the walking example to help others and hopefully be a role model to those needing direction.
This website is but one of those tools to help bring those values and vitality to people all over the world. Jay welcomes you to his site and hopes you happiness, health, and fitness in both mind and body. Welcome to Lifestyle fitness.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
-Jay Martinez
Why Online Training? In most things in life we need education, guidance, and direction to be successful. Both Professionally and personally, things are more achievable when you have qualified coach to guide you and help you with the things that seem difficult, guidance of some great coaches along the way.